CIRSA Contacts Across Canada

British Columbia

For In-Line Skating Instructor Certification, contact Simon Hudson of Whistler Wheels at 604-932-7201 (located in Whistler, BC).

For all Roller Hockey enquiries, please contact the British Columbia Amateur Hockey Association (BCAHA) at 250-652-2978.


For In-Line skating instruction contact Pat Seltsam of Alien In-Line in Calgary at 403-262-4404.

For In-Line Roller Hockey, contact D'Arcy Notland at Alberta Hockey in Red Deer at 403-342-6777.


All requests and enquiries should go to Kelly McClintock of the Saskatchewan Amateur Hockey Association at 306-789-5101.


All requests and enquiries should go to Ben Russenholt at 204-791-2399, or to Hockey Manitoba at 204-925-5757.


All requests and enquiries should go to CIRSA at 1-800-958-0000, or in the greater Toronto area at 416-260-5959.


Speed Skating and event enquiries should go to the Federation de Patinage de Vitesse du Quebec (Section Roues Alignees). Contact Claude Bolduc at 514-395-9551 or Association de Patin a Roues Alignees de L'Ouest du Quebec at 514-597-2489.

Roller Hockey enquiries should go to the Quebec Ice Hockey Federation, In-Line Hockey Commissioner, Yves Poirier at 514-252-3079, ext. 3774.

New Brunswick

All requests and enquiries should go to Chris Roberts at 506-847-8079 or to Dave Connell at 506-847-7559 (

Nova Scotia

All roller hockey requests and enquiries should go to Andrew MacVicar at 902-466-0978, or to the Nova Scotia Hockey Association (NSHA) at 902-454-9400. Cliff Pottie is the Executive Director of NSHA.

Prince Edward Island

All roller hockey requests and enquiries should go the Prince Edward Island Hockey Association (PEIHA) at 902-368-5172. The Executive Director of PEIHA is Gord Lund.


All roller hockey requests and enquiries should go the Newfoundland Amateur Hockey Association (NAHA) at 709-489-5512. The executive director of NAHA is Barbara Power.

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