CIRSA Safety Reminders
(A) Use Your Head, As Well As Your Helmet
- Dress up in protective equipment before skating: helmet,
elbow and knee pads, and wrist protection.
- Start off on the right foot (or left) by learning rudimentary
skating techniques such as striding, stopping and turning.
Learning the basics at slow speeds will allow you to think
on your skates, should a potentially dangerous situation develop.
- Ensure that your safety equipment is fully functional.
(B) Obey The Rules Of The Road
- The laws supervising automobiles, bicycles and all wheeled
vehicles also apply to you. Heed them and you'll find your way
through traffic safely.
(C) Stay Focussed (Don't Skate Irate)
- Watch for hazards; avoid water, oil and sand
- Steer clear of traffic where possible.
- Concentrate on the journey ahead, not your grocery list.
(D) Skate With Consideration
- Skate on the right, pass on the left.
- Forecast your turns by providing hand signals and stating vocal
intentions such as "passing on your left."
- Yield to pedestrians.

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