Words of Wisdom
- Not trying is far more serious than trying and making mistakes.
- Pride grows out of a sense of previous accomplishment.
- A lapse in a skill is OK, but a lapse in hustle or
concentration is unforgivable.
- The more you expect to win -- the harder you'll work to avoid losing.
- Where there is no vision, people perish.
- Idealism starts when you start thinking it doesn't involve hard work.
- We are not here to see through each other -- but to see each other through.
- A slow nickel is better than a fast dime.
- Take the concept of teamwork to a higher level.
- Failure is not a sign of personal weakness.
- Play your role on the team -- don't split the team up as individuals.
- You are not through with a dream until you stop dreaming it.
- You don't quit until your mind tells you to quit.
- Persistent -- Consistent -- Positive -- Action.
- A winner makes commitments -- A loser makes promises.
A winner listens -- A loser waits for his/her turn to talk.
A winner makes a mistake and says "I was wrong" -- A loser
says "It wasn't my fault."
- Any dream can end -- but there is no end to dreaming.
- I want to impress me.
- You must hate defeat enough to win.
- If a player can't inspire others -- it's probably because
s/he can't inspire her/himself.
- Winning the league championship is a special event -- so it takes
a special effort.
- The two most important team components are making yourself
teachable and coachable.
- With all your success and failure -- the person inside yourself is
the only true benchmark.
- A goal is a dream with a deadline.
- You may beat us -- but you won't enjoy it.
- As a team goes -- so goes the individual.
- Learning is a lifelong event.
- Why not give in to positive peer pressure?
- You can con the coach, you can con your parents, you can con your
friends -- but you can't con the person in the mirror.
- Coaching involves trying to build a value system that your
players can carry with them for life.
- Honesty is the only way -- if you tell the truth, you never
have to remember.
- The highest reward for a player's effort is not what s/he gets
for it -- but what s/he becomes of it.
- Victory comes in a moment -- excellence comes over time --
prepare every day.
- It's the quality of the commitment that separates good from great.
- People who believe in failure are almost guaranteed a
mediocre existence.
- The best way to get ahead is to use the one you're got.
- Listen -- you can hear better that way.
- Victory begins in the heart.
- Sports not only builds character -- it reveals it.
- Winners are never content with yesterday's victories.
- The only way to win is to work at it.
- Winning isn't everying -- but wanting to is.
- If you do what you've always done -- you'll get what you've
always gotten.
- Don't bet on the odds -- bet on yourself.
- Ordinary people do extraordinary things when pushed.
- Egos are a funny thing -- you need one to play this game --
but you need to control it to be a part of this team.
- Playing on a team is something you earn.
- Some teams have a dream -- but we have a mission.
- If you think education is expensive -- what is the
cost of ignorance?
- Peers - Persons Encouraging Error Rudeness and Stupidity.
- Not every great competitor is -- or can be -- a champion.
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