Transition Drill 8: Leggs Regroup


Regroup deep in defensive zone.


X's begin to skate out (pattern) without puck.

They return (pattern) and receive pass from coach for a 3 on 2 back the other way.

D's move back and forth with flow -- keep gap the same.

Key Teaching Points

Defense -- keep gap close.

X's stay in lanes.


Other Transition Drills

  1. Snowbird #1 and #2
  2. Depth Charge
  3. Ropchan Collision
  4. Carousel
  5. N2 Transition
  6. Transition Passing
  7. Easter Parade
  8. Leggs Regroup
  9. Marko Polo
  10. Chiner 2 on 1

Hockey that's fresh ... not frozen!

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