To Java Kitty with love:
These are some of the things we will miss about you...
- when you plop yourself down on my chest when I'm trying to sleep at night.
- rubbing your face, close to your whiskers, as you lean into my fingers, and scratching the bald spots near your ears.
- seeing you destroy birthday decorations.
- watching you lay down in the tiniest bit of sunlight that you found on the dining room floor.
- finding you curled up on our clothes in the laundry basket.
- watching our children play with you and enjoy your presence.
- seeing you slip into the shower for a little drink after Papa has finished his shower.
- the calm peaceful energy that you bring to our house.
- you showing up out of nowhere when a can of salmon is opened and enjoying the leftover salmon juice in a little white bowl near the fridge.
- hearing you scratching in your litter box.
- giving you a few pieces of meat on the kitchen floor.
- you crawling into our bags as we're packing for a trip.
- trimming your claws and giving you a few cat treats afterwards.
- watching you investigate and claim any abandoned cardboard box.
- catching you drinking from the toilet bowl.
- watching you lazily wander throughout the house, with seemingly not a care in the world.
- hearing you relentlessly bat a cat toy, twist tie, or piece of plastic around the house.
- seeing you sneak onto the kitchen table to drink from a leftover cup of water.
- hearing your claws clink on the hardwood floor.
- watching you desiccate a beautiful bunch of cut flowers on the table.
- nursing you while you were so sick, by feeding your homemade bone broth with a dropper, while you laid on top of me.
- calling you by saying, "Java kitty, Java kitty-kitty-kitty," and listening as your little paws came running.
- telling you how much we love you and that you are a beautiful, purrfect kitty.
- hearing you meow as you wait for us to feed you.
- curling up with Papa on the couch after the kids have gone to bed.
- watching you enjoy peacefully looking out the window.
- the "honeymoon effect" when we return from vacation to have you smother us with affection.
- you batting my leg to get my attention.
- finding you sprawled out on the middle of the dining room table!
- seeing you come out of hiding at the end of a party after our guests have left.
- you being a "hold" kitty and loving to lie on your back in our arms.
- when you paw the sunporch door because you want in, or just to get our attention to feed you.
- carrying you off the carpet onto bare floor when you are hacking up a hairball.
- when you pretend to scratch the banister post and sheepishly poke your head around the corner to see if I've noticed, and then you sprint upstairs when I come.
- hearing you go through the cat flap door to the basement.
- your collar clinking on your dish as you eat in the basement.
- you sprinting upstairs and through the kitchen after you've dropped an anchor in the basement.
- when you go under the covers and sleep by my feet.
- when you crawl up my leg and sit across my lap while I'm working at the computer.
- watching you relax on the radiator cover by the window in the living room.
- the squeaky noise of you pawing at the window.
- stooping down to pet you at every opportunity.
- mistaking a dark object on the floor (such as a black shopping bag) for you
- when you sprawl on the papers on my desk when I'm trying to work. You are such a "cute nuisance"!
- stroking your beautiful coat and putting my face next to your soft black fur.
- your gentle purring when I go close to you, and then your little motor switching into high gear as I stroke you.
- the noise you make when you're hacking up a hairball.
- walking carefully at night so as not to step on a very well camouflaged black Kitty
- how fast you run back into the house when you hear my voice, after you've snuck outside and hidden under the front porch.
- your little white whiskers, which slowly turned from black to white over the 12 2/3 precious years that we were honoured to have you in our lives.
- your sweet scent, as I burrow my face into your fur.
We love you so much, Java Kitty, and are so thankful to have had the privilege to love and care for you!
Love, Andria, Marc, Célia, Rémy, & Camille

Choosing our new kitten. |

First day with our new kitten. |

This mouse has no chance! |

Our hold kitty. |

A perfect perch. |

Relaxing on the couch |

Channel surfing. |

So tolerant! |

On the go. |

Bath time! :)

Sunning in the sunporch.

She shoots ... she scores!

Célia's pretty kitty.

A fluffy armful.

Cuddle time.

Happy 3rd birthday, Java!

Hallowe'en kitty.

Under the covers.

Playing with Zoé bunny.

Camille's twin.

Our princess.

My turn to play!

Happy 6th Birthday, Java! |


Cudding with Do-Do bunny. |

Happy Valentine's Day! |

Happy 8th Birthday, Java! |

Ready to spring.

Favourite spot ... on the Chariot.

Happy 10th Birthday, Java!

Don't forget to pack me!

Favourite spot ... bannister post. |

So that's what Santa looks like!

You're not packing without me! |

Happy 11th Birthday, Java! |

Too cute! |

Fishing? |

Reading up on Nuclear Energy. |

More reading... |

More reading... |

More reading... |

Play for me, Papa! |

A drawer ful. |

Peak-a-boo. |

Stair climbing. |

Posing. |

Favourite spot ... living room window. |

Favourite spot ... laundry basket. |

Favourite spot ... attic window. |

Beautiful, even as a senior kitty. |

Clothes piles in Rémy's room. |

Bone broth with a dropper. |

Snuggle blanket made by Célia. |