CIRSA's Guess-the-Word Game

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Guess These Words

Fill in the missing blanks below to determine the mystery in-line word:

  1. sk_te_s -- e.g., skaters
  2. _hoo_
  3. g_i_d
  4. h_b
  5. _an_e
  6. _n_in_
  7. _t_p
  8. pr_g_a__
  9. _rak_
  10. __al
  11. _o_te_t_
  12. e_ui_me_t
  13. f__i_it_es
  14. _u_p
  15. l__sons
  16. _ef_re_s
  17. _em_ers_ip
  18. ro_at_
  19. s_nct__n
  20. r__ker
  21. _er_ifi_d
  22. _pee_
  23. ax_e
  24. _ear_
  25. _our_amen_s
  26. w_te_
  27. c_rs_
  28. s_at_ng
  29. _omp_ni__
  30. a_ro
  31. sp_ns__shi_
  32. s_yl_
  33. a_e_
  34. fr__wh__l_n

If this game has you stumped, you can look at the solution.

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