THE TWELTH ANNUAL NORWICH WOMEN’S SENIOR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT MARCH 28-30, 2008 Hosted by the Rose City Warriors The Norwich Women’s Hockey Club Norwich Municipal Ice Rink 641 New London Turnpike, Norwich, CT Competition between C Division Teams Only There is a 3-game guarantee Each game is played with three 12-minute stop periods DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES, ENTRY FEE, TEAM ROSTERS: JANUARY 15, 2008 Send all entry forms and payments to: $630 ENTRY FEE PER TEAM MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Norwich Women’s Hockey Club SUE COWLEY 226 Clarks Falls Rd. North Stonington, CT 06359 FAX: 401-596-7366 COWLEY@SNET.NET Forms and tournament information available on team website: or contact: DONNA MORGAN 860-537-8390 DJLMORGAN10@AOL.COM USA HOCKEY SANCTIONED TOURNAMENT ALL PARTICIPANT TEAMS MUST BE USA HOCKEY REGISTERED SPECIFIED TOURNAMENT RULES TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: SUE CROWLEY ON-ICE OFFICIALS WILL BE USA HOCKEY CERTIFIED RULE BOOK: USA Hockey 2007-2009 Official Rules and Case Book of Ice Hockey POINT SYSTEM TO DETERMINE STANDINGS: • 2 pts = Win Tie Breakers: • 1 pt = Tie Head-to-Head • 0 pts = Loss All goals for minus all goals against- Highest wins Least penalty minutes • One 5-minute sudden death OT period; then 5-player shootout for final and consolation game only EXCEPTIONS TO USA HOCKEY RULES: • One 30-second timeout per team in 3rd period only • No Slap shots allowed during play • Two game misconduct penalties results in the player being ejected from the remainder of tournament • If a team is leading by 6 goals at the end of the 2nd period, the 3rd period will be played with running time. • Maximum of two players under the age of 20, but must have played with team prior to year end Dec. 31, 2007. TEAM NAME: TEAM JERSEY COLORS: Home: Away: HOME ICE RINK: Address: City: State: Zip: TEAM CONTACT: Name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Fax: Email: TEAM WEBSITE: COACH(s): Head: Assist: Assist: TEAM ROSTER: Maximum 20 player team roster NAME JERSEY NO. POSITION AGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By signing this entry form, the team manager, on behalf of the above named team and players, releases the hosts and sponsors of the above named tournament, the officials, arena management, and all concerned with the tournament from any liability for any injury, accident, or loss which may be incurred by any player or team official while participating in the tournament or while traveling to or from the tournament. Name: Title: Signature: Date: [Please mail completed registration packet including payment to Sue Cowley, 226 Clarks Falls Rd., North Stonington, CT 06359, to arrive no later than the registration deadline of January 15, 2008.]
Submitted by: Donna Morgan E-mail address: For season: 2007 - 2008 For month: Mar City: Norwich, CT Country: USA Date submitted: Oct 16, 2007 at 13:13
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