Women's hockey tournament in
Seattle, WA

Tournament Information

Seattle Spring Tournament

Evergreen Female Hockey Association is pleased to announce the 7th Annual
Seattle Spring Tournament scheduled for April 10, 11, 12, 1998.  The
tournament will be comprised of 20 women's teams from the U.S. and Canada.
The tournament will have two divisions:
     "A" ("B" level US and "AA" Canada)
     "B" ("C" level US and "A" Canada)
consisting of ten teams, with semifinal and final games for each
division.  Each team will be guaranteed at least three games.  The
tournament will be held at the Kingsgate Ice Arena located in Kirkland,
Washington.  The Entry fee for this tournament is $525. (U.S.) per
team.  All participating teams must provide proof of USA Hockey
insurance or CAHA certification.  Entry fees must be received no later
than March 1, 1998.  An immediate deposit of $200. (U.S.) reserves your
spot providing that the tournament is not full, remainder due by March
1st.  Team slots fill quickly so early registration is recommended!

Please mail check or money order to:
  Evergreen Female Hockey
  4603 S. Adams Street
  Seattle, WA 98118

You may mail your rosters to the above address.  Please include:  name of
team; team representative; address; phone; team colors; coaches; player's
names, position and jersey number. Also, please include a team photo for
the tournament program.

For more information, please call Elizabeth Sharpe at (206) 725-4933 or
send an e-mail to: ellie@seanet.com
Bec Kemp
AOL Instant Messenger: beckemp

Additional Information

Submitted by:    Bec Kemp
E-mail address:  beckemp@halcyon.com
For season:      1997 - 1998
City:            Seattle, WA
Country:         USA

Date submitted:  Jul 01, 1998 at 19:29

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This page is maintained by © 1998 Andria Hunter (andria@cs.toronto.edu).

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URL:  http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andria/tourney/usa/1998/9.html