Women's hockey tournament in
Reston, Virginia

Tournament Information

Reston Raiders Xmas Tournament, Virginia

The Reston Raiders Hockey Club, located in Reston, Virginia just 30
minutes from Washington DC, is hosting it 3rd Anual Xmas Tournament.
Girls Midget "B" teams (19 and under) are invited.

Three game guarentee with a championship game for the top two
teams in each bracket.

Dates:      Dec 29-31, 1997
Entry Fee:  $600.00
Lodging:    Accomodations by W.S. "Chip" Taylor Associates.
            Hotel within five minutes of rink.
For more information:  Tom Casey - (540) 341-7759 or
                       Caroline Sielschott - (703) 444-1366
                       Or email Frank Arnold at FArnold3@aol.com

Great competition, great ice in both NHL and Olympic rinks, super
location close to first-class shopping, dining, hotels and Washington DC
and hosted by one of the most progressive and fastest growing hockey
clubs in the Mid-Atlantic region - the Reston Raiders Hockey Club.

Additional Information

Submitted by:    Dan Little
E-mail address:  sm222@erols.com
For season:      1997 - 1998
City:            Reston, Virginia
Country:         USA

Date submitted:  Jul 01, 1998 at 19:24

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URL:  http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andria/tourney/usa/1998/6.html