Women's hockey school in
Oswego, NY

Hockey School Information

I am e-mailing you to tell you about the League we have created in NY State.  It is called the "New York State Girl's Varsity Ice Hockey League"  This league was created by parents and high schools to offer girl's the chance to play Varsity Ice Hockey.  This league has been in existence for 3 years now and it has grown.  But we need more PR at the national and international area.  We will have a website running soon.  I am trying to get the word out.  Again this is a High School Varsity league, the step before college.

Additional Information

Submitted by:    Teddy Beers
E-mail address:  tbeers@oswego.org
For season:      2003 - 2004
City:            Oswego, NY 
Country:         USA

Date submitted:  May 05, 2003 at 10:45

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URL:  http://www.whockey.com/school/usa/2004/195.html