This is the ONLY Complete Female "ELITE" Player Evaluation Development Hockey Camp Offered This Summer! It is open to Canadian, USA, and International Players. Ever seen a Real Gold Medal? Well, The Aeros have produced a whole bunch of them! Do you have dreams of playing at the highest level of competition? Do you have dreams of possibly playing in the NWHL one day, maybe obtaining a scholarship to continue your education and play hockey as well? Would you like to experience what it's like to play in the NWHL for a single weekend? This is the Camp you need to attend! This CAMP is designed to allow you to advance your level of play. Allow Aeros NWHL Personnel, Elite Female Athletes, Female Hockey Directors have the opportunity to see you live in person in action and help supply guidance to your future. To qualify for this INVITE CAMP You must have played Girls A - AA or Boys Hockey A-AAA Special Goaltending instruction program will also be included this year Some B-BB Players may also be accepted due to their geographical locations and the programs offered All requests to attend must be accompanied by a letter of reference from your coach and a letter stating your goals and ambitions and hockey resume stating why you should attend. Age Groupings: 12 - 22: Divisions will be set based on various factors Camp features 8 hours of on-ice Canadian National Women's Team High Tempo Skills & Drills, Post Camp Player Evaluation, Team Discussions, Seminars and Sessions, Talent Showcase Inter-Squad Game over JUST 3 DAYS. The Off-Ice training elements will be an IMPORTANT part of your weekend. Head Coach Ken Dufton, his staff, Canadian National Level players and other highly accredited personnel in the Female Hockey let you know areas that need to be maintained and exactly what elements needs to be improved upon. With the right approach these will assist you in accomplishing your scholastic and athletic dreams. Sample Itinerary of the weekend. (Subject to changes) · Friday AM: Athlete Registration, Orientation & I.D. cards, Team Ice Breaker Session 1hr on Ice · Friday PM: On Ice 1hr afternoon On-Ice, Team Meal, Off-Ice conditioning, 1.5hrs evening on ice, Team meal & Family Social Gathering which Includes an Olympic Inspirational Discussion. · Saturday AM: Team breakfast, Then both On-Ice 1.5 hrs & Off-Ice functions · Saturday Lunch is served then relax for your early Saturday afternoon Info seminars when you will have an opportunity to listen and ask questions of Directors of Female Hockey as well athletes on scholarship programs from across Canada and the USA. They will tell you the Real Story about female hockey! · Saturday PM: Back On-ice for 1.5 hrs followed up with a Team building & Nutritional Component Sessions & Seminars · "A PARENTS ONLY University & College Recruitment Information seminar by Brian Smith of University Prospects on Saturday, with lots of time for Q & A" Get the real facts on this topic. · Sunday: Off-Ice Session then "Game Day Planning" followed by The 1.5hr Talent Showcase Game · Wrap up of the overall camp session complete with a final Q & A SESSION · Complete the weekend with an Aeros Player Autograph Session so bring Your Camera! Your will receive a Commemorative Camp Jersey, Team Photo, Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks & Dinner on Saturday A Player Evaluation from coaches who annually participate in ELITE selection camps. WE SUPPLY THE INSPIRATION, FUN AND GUIDANCE FOR FREE! We realize as parents, you really do not know what to say when this topic comes up about your daughters' future. WE DO! And WE KNOW HOW to assist you and your daughter correctly. Let us minimize or eliminate your guesswork! Feel free to download registration forms online at: or call 905-668-1634 for details CAMP REGISTRATION FORM - PLEASE PRINT LEDGIBLY Check Which Aeros Elite Camp July 11-13 Scarborough August 8-10 Scarborough First Name Surname Mothers Name Fathers Name Address City / Town Province Postal Code Home Phone Work Phone Email ( MUST) Fax Current Age D.O.B (D.M.Y) Applied for Bantam 12 - 14 Midget 15 - 17 Intermediate 18 - 22 We reserve the right to adjust age groupings as required # Years Hockey What Levels Shoots: L R Position: Weight: Height: Ft. In. The League I currently play in: Please list any awards, accomplishments or achievements Heard About Camp Flyer / Website Coach Friend Other Are you currently involved in any sport in the capacity of Coach or Assistant Referee or Official Volunteer Other What other sports do you play (Please list) 1 2 3 4 Jersey Sizes Adult Large X- L XXL Have you attached your letter of reference from your coach and your personal letter stating your goals and ambitions as well your hockey resume ? Y or N ACCEPTED REGISTRANTS WILL RECEIVE COMMUNICATION Via Email We will Only process accepted applicants payments Please make cheques totaling the amount of $429.00 ( includes Gst.) Payable to: Sportacular Event 1st Cheque in the amount of $229 - Due with application 2nd Cheque in the amount of $200 - Postdated for June 11 ALL NSF. CHEQUES WILL RECEIVE A $25 SERVICE CHARGE Mailing Address: 45 Goldring Drive, Whitby, Ontario. L1P 1B9 Fax: 905-668-8876 Phone: 905-668-1634 Refund Policy - Please note that NO refunds will be issued unless due to an accident or injury occurring after registration is received and before the camp. A doctor's statement will be required verifying the nature of the injury. A $50 Administration fee will occur TO ALL Refunds. Need Hotel Accommodations ONLY $64.95 Quad / Night & 5 Minutes From Arena Please contact Annie Sunich: Toll free # 1-877-225-8664 and ask for The Centennial College Residence Ask for Rooms Under "Aeros Elite Evaluation Development Camp" MEDICAL & WAIVER INFORMATION ALL INFORMATION THAT IS FOUND WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT IS DEEMED HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL AND SENSITIVE IN NATURE. THE AEROS WILL NOT RELEASE THIS INFORMATION TO ANY OTHER SOURCES OTHER THAN FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT AS DEEMED NECESSARY ON BEHALF OF THE AEROS ATHLETE Name: (First) ATHLETE Name: (Last) Provincial Health Card Number: Family Physician Name: Telephone Emergency Contact Number Significant medical conditions (e.g. Epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, dangerous allergies, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Any Head, Back, Joint Injuries (in the past two years) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any Medications taken regularly (excluding vitamins) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Aeros ELITE Development Camp Participant Waiver I have read the complete brochure, application and medical form and agree to the terms therein. I certify that all the questions on the application have been answered correctly and I understand that my child/I will provide their/my own COMPLETE SET of full CSA-approved equipment and it will be worn in its entirety for all On-Ice sessions. I understand that refunds will not be available unless accompanied by a doctor's statement verifying the nature and date of the injury. I understand that the Aeros, its associates, proprietors, licensees, sponsors, employees, agents and/or representatives will not be held responsible for accidental injury or death, loss or damage however caused, and hereby agree to release and hold harmless The Aeros, its proprietors, management, facility owners and operators, employees, agents, sponsors, and/or representatives from all claims, damages, actions, loss, expenses, and demands which may arise as a result of, or by reasons of death, injury loss, damage or medical expense may have been contributed or occasioned by the action, inaction or negligence of The Aeros, the proprietors, management, facility owners and operators, employees, agents, sponsors, and/or representatives. If the participant is under 18 years of age at the time of the clinic, I authorize The Aeros staff to act in the place and position of a parent or guardian of my child while my child is at The Aeros Elite Player Development camp. Recognizing this, I authorize each or any of them to provide to my/myself child any medical treatment they deem reasonable and necessary. Parents Signature if under 18 Date Players Signature Date
Submitted by: NWHL Beatrice Aeros Elite Evaluation Development Camp E-mail address: For season: 2002 - 2003 City: Toronto, Canada Country: USA Date submitted: May 14, 2003 at 12:12
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