Women's Hockey in Malaysia

Hockey in Malaysia

[August 4, 1996]

Here is some information from an Malaysian internet user, who would like to see women's hockey develop in Malaysia! :-)

Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 22:35:00 -0400
From: Kerri.Connolly@jwtkl.sprint.com
To: jill@MIT.EDU
Subject: Hockey in Asia

I received your e-mail over the net. I am writing to you from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I play hockey here in Asia. I play road hockey on the week-ends with a bunch of foreigners that live here. I am also on a roller hockey team. The sport is just starting to pick up and everyone is still on a learning curve. I am the only girl on my team. In fact there are only one or two women in the entire league.

There has yet to be a women's team in Malaysia. Traditionally, women don't play sports like hockey and soccer. They are considered very masculine activities. I am thinking about getting a women's team started. Have you ever heard of any women's teams in Asia? Or about roller hockey in Asia in general. I would love to hear back from you if you get the chance. Good luck with your team at MIT

Kerri Connolly
in Malaysia.

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