Women's Hockey in Australia

Photo: First-ever Aussie National Women's Team, August 1996

General Information

The first national women's ice hockey final was held in Sydney, Australia in February 1995. Interest in the sport is growing, and organizers are convinced of the viability of national competition. A development league started during the 1994-95 season, which now consists of under-14, under-16, under-18, and under-21 women's teams. Girls as young as 11 and 12 years of age are taking over the ice, and they are developing well. With women's ice hockey being accepted as an Olympic sport, publicity officer, Carol Freeman, believes it is only going to get better in Australia!

Aussie Player Search

Wanted : Expatriate Aussies who are currently playing overseas

As part of our development of a National Team Strategy, the AIHF would like to hear from any aussies who are playing in North America or Europe. If you are, and are interested in finding out how you may be eligible to represent Australia, please contact Terry Jones at tjones@tradecentre.com.au for more information.

Australian National Championships

See the Australian National Championship page for results for each year.

Canberra - Australian Capital Territory (ACE)

This season (22 March - 20 September 1998) we will be fielding two womens teams for the first time. The teams are open age and have players ranging in age from 12 to early thirties. All are looking forward to an exciting season and the opportunity to broaden the base of a game in a city which has only a very small population compared to the bigger states in Australia. Both teams will be participating in the bantam (under 15) boys league in order that they are involved at an appropriate competitive level. Unfortunately we have insufficient numbers to establish a dedicated women's league but, who knows what the future may bring.

The hockey administration in Canberra is managed by the Australian Capital Territory Ice Hockey Association (ACTIHA) and we will soon be launching a homepage. I look forward to finally having a web site so that our information flow is accelerated.

As a final point, if there are any players, either male or female wishing to visit our beautiful city during the season feel free to make yourself known to me, my address is rhutchis@email.dot.gov.au.

Australia is not so icy!

[September 11, 1995]

Here is some first-hand information from an Australian internet user, and soon to be hockey player! :-)

Well, I live in the city of Canberra (population of approximately 300 000) which is about 300km south of Sydney. Things are usually quite progressive here, but ice hockey has kinda missed the boat, it seems! There is one ice rink here, and apparently a women's ice hockey team as well. I am starting a 20-week intensive skills course in hockey this Tuesday with about 15 others - it is part of an "Active Girls and Women" program being partly funded by the Government to encourage females to get out and try something different. So if this is happening here, I can only assume that there are bigger and better things happening in the other state capitals re. ice hockey and women. I don't know whether there are any teams up to international standard or not. I guess I'll find out as I go along, so if I discover anything exciting, I'll tell you.

Update: [September 27, 1995]

More Australian Hockey Information!

This information is from Dave Minson, who is Referee in Chief in Western Australia.

Date: August 8th, 1996

Andria, Your page is great, I am writing to let you know that Australia is improving vastly in women's hockey. On August 22nd 1996, the 3rd Women's Championship will be held in Sydney. There will be four states of Australia attending. Also to add to your list of teams that are in Australia, W.A. has thirty three women playing at this time, and the club is called the Valkyries. I am currently the referee in chief in W.A. and would love to get some input back from anybody Re: Officials who are currently in Perth W.A. Bye for now

Dave Minson Perth W.A.

List of Teams in the Melbourne Area

A new league called the South-Eastern Women's Ice Hockey League has just started. The first four teams listed above are presently competing for the Foundation Cup. The grand final will take place in October 1998.

List of Teams within Australia

Please send any corrections or additions to this list.

Women's Hockey in Tasmania

There are no women's ice hockey teams in Tasmania (an island state of Australia). Please see this article to read more about the only three girls that play in Tasmania.

Australian Player Profiles

If you have played on the national team in Australia, please send me your profile, and I'll add it to this list.

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This page is maintained by © 1998 Andria Hunter (andria@whockey.com).

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