This page will be used to keep everyone up-to-date on the wedding plans. If there are any changes to the information that we have sent with your invitation, it will be listed here.
We'll be modifying this page shortly to tell everyone all about the wedding! For now, you can check out the photos below...
I plan to reorganize this page once I get some time, and to add things, such as the wedding invitation, and the hockey cards that we gave out as gifts to each person attending our wedding. For now, I have added a few links to the wedding ceremony, and the speeches we gave at our wedding reception...
The wedding service took place at 2:00 p.m. on July 24th, 1999 at the Lakefield United Church, which is located at 45 Regent Street in Lakefield, Ontario.
The minister for the service was Reverend George Addison (from the Lakefield United Church) and the priest was Father David Roche (from the Holy Family Church in Toronto). Here is a list of the participants in the ceremony.
The afternoon cocktail reception took place at the Hunter Farm Bed & Breakfast, immediately after the wedding service. Refreshments were served.
The wedding party had their pictures taken at the farm by Bridget Bates, while the cocktail reception was taking place. Please make yourself at home on the farm; feel free to look around inside the house and outside. Be sure to visit the animals at the barn! We may organize hay rides or other entertainment.
The receiving line was to start at 5:15 pm. This should give us a chance to say hello to everyone! We're expecting more than to 300 guests, so it will be a very busy place! Please make your way through the receiving quickly - Marc figured that with 300 guests, if you spend a minute talking to each person, it would take you 5 hours!! :-) So we'll have to keep it short, or skip dinner! :-)
The reception and dinner took place under a large tent at the Hunter Farm B & B at 6:30 p.m. We'll also have a cake-cutting ceremony.
The co-MC's for the evening were Pauline Ouellette (Marc's sister) and Sunny McCollum (Andria's Aunt). There were a few speeches and some toasts made at the reception.
The dinner was a BBQ chicken dinner, catered by Diane's Country Kitchen from Little Britain, Ontario. Kentucky Fried Chicken was served in the house for the kids.
The dance also took place under the large tent at the Hunter Farm B & B, at approximately 9:00 p.m. The DJ for the dance was Dale Bolton (Andria's cousin), and bartenders for the evening were our neighbours, Joanne and Glenn Healy. The garter and boquet toss started at about 10:30 p.m., with snacks and coffee following at 11 p.m.
The Hunter Farm is located east of the city of Peterborough on highway 134. From Toronto, take highway 401 to highway 115 (exit 436). Drive north on this divided highway and follow the signs for HIGHWAY 7 EAST towards OTTAWA. Do not exit the divided highway until you get to the traffic lights at highway 7 (just past the OPP station on your left). At this point turn right (east) onto highway 7 and drive for 8 km. Turn north onto highway 134 and go 3 km, across the railroad tracks, to the Bed & Breakfast sign and laneway on your left.
To get to the Lakefield United Church, continue north on highway 134 until you come to Regional Road 33 (there is a sign that says "Lakefield" at this intersection). Turn left (west) onto Regional Road 33, and continue until the road comes to an end (at Water Street). Turn right (north) onto Water Street, and then turn right onto Regent Street (it is just after the liquor store and before Cashway). The Lakefield United Church will be on your left hand side at 45 Regent Street.
[The only confusing part of the above description might be that Hwy 115 changes into Hwy 7 at the Parkway exit. Do not exit where it says Hwy 115 exit at the Parkway. Just continue on the divided highway.]
Map of Hunter Farm & Lakefield United Church - this map was sent out with the invitations.
Lakefield/Peterborough/Hunter Farm (far back)
Lakefield/Peterborough/Hunter Farm (closer in)
Hunter Farm Area -- reception
Lakefield Area -- wedding service
Downtown Peterborough Area -- accommodations
We have blocked off rooms at four hotels/motels in Peterborough. There are also several other options for accomodations, but be sure to book soon, as things are filling up VERY quickly that weekend! Here is a list of possible accomodations, that includes hotels, motels, and bed and breakfasts. Another option is camping at the Hunter Farm! Everyone is welcome!
We have made wedding gift registries at Kitchen Stuff Plus (Toronto), Your Bed, Bath & Kitchen Store (Peterborough) and Knock on Wood (Peterborough), Eaton's, and Sears. Here is a link to our wedding registry page.
Marc will be moving in with Andria at 275 Delaware Avenue (in Toronto) once we get married. We're renting the top two floors of a house. We are not sure of our colour schemes yet. In general, we prefer blues, and dark colours. We are not very fussy at all!
Since we have both been living on our own for the last 10 years, we already have accumulated a lot of household items - come to think of it, we will have 2 of many items - toaster, microwave, etc.! :-) So, if you prefer to give money, we will put it to good use!
We would like to thank Leslie Greene for designing and sewing the bride's and bridesmaid dresses and for doing the flowers. We'd like to thank Nancy Hunter for managing the tent decorations, and Kathy Zajac for helping with the flowers. A very special thanks to my Mom (Ruth Hunter) for helping with the arrangements and making the farm look so nice for our wedding! The flowerbeds are beautiful!!
We would also like to thank everyone else who has helped in any other way. It sure makes life much easier for us!! And finally, thank you to everyone for sharing our special day and being there to witness our vows. We hope you have fun!
A special thanks also to Mikie-da-Goalie Wassman for taking our engagement photos. And thanks for helping with the design of the favours!
Here is a summarized list of some of the people who have helped us out. Thanks!
Click below for music to get you in the mood for a wedding! :-)
Looking for wedding invitations? offers many modern and elegant wedding invitations and cards to choose from.
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